The challenge

Sunday, September 19, 2010

De-Hoard Project #2: Using my display case

When I did my Mary Kay de-cluttering, I cleared a bunch of MK product out of a lovely display case in my living room so the product could live with the rest of the product in the closet. So then I was left with an empty case needing to be filled...

My plan was to take my Barbie Doll Collection from my bedroom closet and put it in the top half of the case and to put the bottom half of the case also to good use.

This basket of stuff was sitting in my "fancy" room holding my Musikgarten teaching materials. I tended to toss stuff in there whenever and it, and it worked out... okay, but I have four more classes this year than I did last year and I have more teacher books, etc...

Of course, this was not the only problem in my "room-that-is-to-be-kept-clean-at-all-times."

It didn't look terrible, but there was some crap in it that didn't belong...

All in all I purged from the room: one bag of " doesn't belong in here", one box of garbage and one box of give away, which I forgot to upload the pictures of. Amongst the giveaways and trash? Sheet music, books and magazines. But in the bottom of my display case, I did this with my MG materials:

And my Barbies that have been in a box for months now had a place to shine:

And the room looked like this when it was done:
